Many people are afraid of dentists; yes, even adults and children! This is one of the biggest reasons why many try to avoid dental checkups as much as they can, leading to oral health deterioration. Dental anxiety may be a thing, but your worries can be addressed and soothed if you communicate with your dentist. In today’s article, we’ll discuss the importance of communication between dentists and patients and how working together can significantly improve your overall well-being.
Building trust and understanding: the basis of excellent oral health.
To achieve optimal oral health care, it’s crucial to establish a trusting relationship between dentist and patient. Dentists can gain their patients’ trust by doing the following:
Listening actively. Many patients develop dental trauma, be they children or adults. To avoid this, dentists should actively listen to their patient’s concerns and not just listen for the sake of lecturing them. Validating their worries is a good way to get them comfortable; encourage the patients to talk more and practice demonstrating empathy. Ivanhoe East Dental Clinic is known for making extra effort to get their patients comfortable.
Avoid using jargon and explain things concisely. Another reason why people are so afraid of dental checkups is because they don’t know what’s going on; sure, you came in to get your teeth cleaned, but what are the processes and tools involved? Use layman’s terms when explaining things to your patients so they can easily understand the procedure and lessen their anxiety.
Use visual aids. To help explain things better, it would be best to have visual aids like models, pictures, or diagrams to show to your patients so they can better understand the procedures and significantly improve communication.
How communication helps treatment results.
It helps patients become more compliant. To achieve better oral health and maintain longevity, dentists should be able to communicate clear instructions on how to care for their patient’s health. They must be able to communicate and demonstrate the basic steps of oral care, namely brushing, flossing, and rinsing the mouth using alcohol-free mouthwash. They must learn to do the basics properly before moving on to improving their dental health, like adopting teeth whitening practices.
Conducting tests for potential problems is easier. Once dentists have established a solid rapport with their patients, they will be more open to communicating their concerns. In turn, dentists can also be more open about discussing early detection and prevention of possible oral problems.
How patient-centered communication benefits patients.
Once patients have a better understanding of their role in their own dental health, they’ll likely become more compliant and stick to treatment plans. Patients will willingly return for follow-up appointments and take medications.
It reduces dental anxiety and fear. Certain dental procedures hurt, which is why it’s understandable why patients tend to develop dental fear and anxiety. Being able to communicate your worries to the dentist helps alleviate them, just as the dentist can explain them calmly and reassuringly and help patients relax during their sessions.
All in all, effective communication is one of the solid foundations of a successful dentist-patient relationship. By practicing the aforementioned and actively listening to the patient’s concerns, both dentist and patient can experience a better session, working to both their benefits.