When running a dental clinic, you not only have to worry about getting more patients, you also have to deal with the recruitment process. It is during the hiring process that dentists may end up making a couple of mistakes.
Here are a couple of “do’s” and “don’t” to remember when hiring staff for your dental office.
The Do’s:
1 – Stay Guarded Of “Job Hoppers”
At the time when you are reviewing resumes, make sure to catch those applicants who have a pattern of doing a job for a few months and then switching to another one. These “job hoppers” are unreliable to hire because if they have such a pattern, they are most likely to do the same with your dental clinic.
2 – Search For Applicants With Relevant Experience
When you are assessing the resumes, look for those applicants who have at least basic knowledge needed for the job. You will not always applicants with direct experience and knowledge for the position.
For instance, if I need to hire a receptionist for my dental clinic and the applicant has experience working as a bartender or waiter or, I can consider the person for the job.
They will most likely have skills such as being quick in their work, attentive and friendly to the customer. These are the kind of skills I want to see in my receptionist. Accordingly, I can then give the training required for the position.
You also have the option that you hire a virtual receptionist telephone answering service and save on your recruitment costs.
The Don’ts:
1 – Don’t Hire An Applicant Just Because You Have To Fill The Position
At times, you are in dire need of staff for your dental clinic. In such situations, you tend to hire a candidate in haste. However, it is important to remember that is spite of all the urgency, you should take the time to evaluate the applicants. If you think they are not the right hire, do not appoint them just because you have to. Eventually, what will happen is that either you fire them or they just quit, and you will be back to where you started — with nothing except wasted time.
2 – Do Not Overload The Applicant With Training All At Once
When you hire a person for the job, they will take a few days to settle in and learn the procedures of your dental clinic. Don’t overburden your staff from their first day. Teach them a few tasks to see they are able to do it. Slowly and gradually, increase their workload so they are able to manage it effectively.
3 – Refrain From Hiring Applicants With A “Know It All” Attitude
You want to hire a dental staff that shows a willingness to learn and do their best. When you have a couple of employees who give know it all” attitude, you know they will give you a tough time in the dental clinic. It could be that they are talented and are the perfect fit for the position, but usually, these kind of employees are not easy to train.